Saturday, September 5, 2020

Sande 'Heaven'

 The lyrics in this song work very well with the music video. At times when Sandeeps sings 'Will you recognise me?' there are silhouettes under a bridge and you are not able to work out who they are. Also, when she sings 'nothing like before' there is footage of babies and toddlers. This highlights how change is inevitable and people become completely different. Physical text reading "fear is your only god" is written on a dirty window which shows how people are controlled by their fears and live according to them, avoiding what they are afraid of. This could be a social comment to viewers that they should face their fears and not let them control their life. Furthermore, there are comments on suffering including shots of a homeless man whilst Sande sings about waiting. This conveys that people suffer whilst waiting and staying hopeful that their situation may change and that it isn't fair. Continuing with this is the theme of drug use and abuse which can be seen through smoking and passing around a lighter. This shows that this is the only way to get through the day for some people and it becomes their lifeline. Repeated throughout the video is the motif of angels with the tattoos and graffiti as if they are watching the situation unfold. This also links the the lyrics in the chorus and the title of the song.

This extreme close up shot shows this mans wrinkled face, messy hair and tired eyes implying he is suffering. He is a hopeless man and probably not slept or washed properly in weeks and the close up nature very clearly and effectively shows this.  

The phrase "FEAR IS YOUR ONLY GOD" is written on the dirty window and can be seen in this close up shot. This shows that not only people are suffering but the windows and buildings are as they are being left dirty. This is further supported with the shots of graffiti later on. It could be that Sande is suggesting that the peoples suffering rubs off on the surroundings or vice versa.  

This wide shot shows a silhouette under a bridge which matches what Sande is singing at this time, "Will you recognise me?" As you can't recognise any features of this person and can only see an outline.   

This close up shot shows Sande singing in the music video. I find this interesting as she is putting herself in the same situation as the suffering characters in the video, in a bus shelter and on the streets. This could suggest that she is the angel like figure and shows the other people that there is a way out. 

The POV shot shows a lighter being passed between two people. This links in with the theme of drug use and suffering. This is effective and it makes you feel like you are involved within the transaction and getting stuck with the people that are suffering. 

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