Friday, November 26, 2021

Storyboard for audio/visual content


Script for audio/visual content coursework

 Script for audio/visual content coursework 


intended to be a short teaser trailer to a longer video with an article on a separate link page

(low volume simple guitar music – increase in volume + complexity with number of shots from shot 1 – 4) 


(shot 5) 


I’ve always envied people who can play the guitar. People view them in such a different way. It was the edition of Ready magazine that inspired me to learn how to play. I found where to get lessons and became very good very quickly.  


(cuts to shot 6 muted with this script from shot 5 continuing and a voice over) 


Character: cont- 

I’ve been able to surprise people that I’ve known for a long time with my new talent. I didn’t believe it when I read girls found it attractive but its so true. 


(cuts back to shot of the interview) 


Character: cont- 

This has become my hobby and has helped me meet so many new people, not only girls, but other people who have the same interests in music and being able to work together and collaborate with them has made me so happy. 

(background music volume increases as fade to black with link to full video plus tutorials) 


Friday, July 2, 2021

Research: Bauer Media


Bauer media is one of the largest privately owned media business' in the world. 

Research of real life stories websites

Real People:
This website creates a good brand synergy with the print magazine. The latest edition of the magazine can be seen on the home page with many articles from it. The main colours form the magazine, pink and yellow, are continued through this website. The yellow bar across the top is bright and directs attention to the call to action of the social media links. This yellow is continued in the section at the bottom of the page including articles on crime, with the banner making it look like police tape. The home page doesn't contain anything else. The navigation bar at the top contains different sections, including "web wins" and "sell us YOUR story." These make the website feel more inclusive. The synergy between the website and magazine are continued with the repetition of the competition and the puzzles. The footer of the website, again has a call to action for the social media links, and also contains a hyperlink to Hearst, the company that produce the magazine. 

Kerrang:The website continues conventions from their magazine. The logo is black which links with the cover on many features of their magazine. There is a large photographic montage at the top of the website. This immediately establishes the viewership. The navigation bar at the top has links to "news" "video" and "features." Underneath this, the bright yellow background changes to white as there are numerous different articles that have been features in the magazine, crating a brand synergy.

Monday, June 28, 2021

Audience Segments

 16-18: This age demographic is heavily influenced via social media and is responsible for over 29% of Instagram's traffic. At this age, people are finishing secondary school and are starting college or apprenticeships. Over 38,000 people in this age group currently do apprenticeships. Also, in this age group, people are starting to think about university, or work. 

18-21: This age group spend an average of 22 hours a week on their phone and chose to do more online than any other age group - eg shopping. 81% of this age group use BuzzFeed. This is a website with breaking news, journalism, quizzes and gossip. A recent Freshers Marketing Report reveals that 87% of 18-24s want brands to entertain, inform and inspire them. 

21-25 : magazines for this age catagory can be more serious than before and be more niche. People in this age category prefer more up to date and real world issues. People this age are finishing university and starting jobs and these are some issues I could include.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Research of Magazine Covers


Pick Me Up!

This cover links with the codes and conventions of other Real Life story magazines. Neales repetition and difference is clear here as the the main article and photograph is on the right with other stories and images arranged on the left. There are seven images on the cover with 17 individual subjects. The main images follow conventions for a magazine as the subjects are all looking directly at the camera, as if they are looking out the magazine and at the viewer. The brand identity is seen through the consistent use of the same font and the use of the colour red for the important stories - the same colour as the magazines logo. The red and purple colour scheme on the cover reminds viewers that it is a festive edition of the magazine. These colours are used effectively with the headlines of the articles with different colours used to highlight the exposé or different buzz words, eg "BEST" is in yellow. These sections are also used as call to actions to make the reader notice these key points and want to find out more. This cover appeals to a wide range of social groups, there are stories about family, sexuality and one that focuses on disability as well.


Just like the last cover, this one follows the same conventions by having the main story on the right hand side with other, smaller stories on the left. Again there is a collection of different images on the cover. There are 9 different images with 8 different models. The main image is shown as important as her head covers part of the masthead. In addition to this, it breaks magazine conventions as she is not looking at the camera and is instead gazing to the side. This allows readers to create early representations of the model. This sly and slightly aggressive facial expression works well with the main article "New fears for Linda." Readers can tell this is the main article because the box-out behind the text is the same colour as the font in the masthead, which continues the brand identity. All the other stories are in their own shapes and banners. Unlike other magazines, there is no consistency with the colours of these graphics as they are all different colours. In my opinion this makes the cover look messy and unorganised. Like other magazines, the buzz words are capitalised and there is a call to action - a link to the website in the masthead. This magazine doesn't represent social groups as well as others, there are only white, mostly female models - most of a similar age.

That's Life!

Just like the other two, this magazine has the main model on the right hand side of the page. This photograph follows magazine conventions as the model is looking straight at the camera - this is the same for six of the other seven images on the cover. She is wearing minimalistic make-up but the lighting still makes her skin shine. The background of the cover is the same colour green as her dress. The brand identity is conveyed the same way as the other magazines - the colour of the masthead is also the colour of the box-out on the main article and on the buzz words - "TERROR." The colours on this cover have also been selected carefully, with purple and yellow being used for the other articles. The yellow could be symbolic of the deceit or hazards in some of the articles and the purple could by symbolic of loyalty and trust in the brand. Again, the cover is not appealing to different social groups as it mainly images of women the same age. There is no representation of different ethnicity, age or gender. Just like the Bella magazine, in the bottom right corner their is a call to action, promoting the puzzles inside. 

Annotating Magazine Covers


Friday, May 7, 2021

Researching Masthead and Sell Line ideas.

 1) I looked at the word story for a masthead and found the word tale, and the idea of telling tales. 

2) Another word I enjoyed playing around with was the idea of MORE. And the puns "more than a magazine." The synonym to boot was also one that I liked and the phrase 'a boot up the backside' which is a bit tongue and cheek and 16-25 year olds would find it funny. Then there was the idea of a logo being a boot. 

3) I also looked at more energetic words for my magazine

Initial Response to briefs 3 and 4

 Brief 3 - Magazine:

The real life story magazine for a 16-25 year old target audience fills a very prominent gap in the market. These magazines are usually targeted at older ages and at predominantly women. They are very melodramatic and contain a lot of gossip. As a result, i could create more tailored stories to the specific age groups, breaking them down into different categories, 16-18, 19-21, 22-25, as these age groups are all going through different stages and scenarios in life, and I could include stories that could help and inspire them with what to do next. I could also this about mastheads and sell-lines, with different words for stories, talk, chat. I also likes the use of the word more in the title and then use a pun in the tagline, subscribe for more,

more than a magazine. I could also easily represent different social groups with different ages, stories for different genders, a focus on sexuality in young people. Different topics could be covered, eg. sport, music, travel ect. I would create a survey to ask people within the age group what would interest them into reading the magazine. The cover of most current real life storie magazines contain a montage of images. For example Chat magazine always has a main image on the right with smaller images and stories on the left. This creates a brand identity which is easily changed by changing the photos and stories. The website also needs to continue my brand identity. This could be done with the continued use of logos, shapes, colours and fonts. I like the aspect to create a video for the website.

I could create an interview style video like Vogues 73 questions with Liam Gallagher and create an interview with cross cuts to action in the video. The website needs a navigation bar at the top with a link to one more page. There will need to be more photography for the website, I could take some photos in the summer whilst on holiday in the north east on beaches, boat trips, at castles or with studio shots. 

I personally feel that I would choose this brief as it covers more aspects of media, photography, video, magazine editing and video editing. It also covers a gap in the market so all the ideas can be original and new. 

Brief 4 - Music Video:

The requirement for brief 4 is to make a video for a love song. There is no gap in the market for this and it could become quite cheesy if it is done wrong. It also could be quite hard to find the song. It needs to be longer than three minutes. The target audience for this brief could also be quite challenging as 16-25 year olds must feel emotionally engaged. This would be hard because the different ages are going through different things in there life, for example a 16 year old may never have been in a relationship and felt love whereas someone who is 25 may be getting married and thinking about starting a family. To try and achieve this I would have to chose a song with a lot of emotion and symbolism in the lyrics which is something I have struggled to do. Whilst filming I would need at least two cameras to create cross cuts in the video, and would need to ensure a performance and narrative aspect. The representations of sexuality could be implemented into the video, with a narrative of someone coming out - but then this would limit gender representations in the video. Age and ethnicity could be hard to implement as well as the two main characters in the video would need to be a similar age. In

addition to this, the website would need to create a brand identity for the artist, but looking at previous examples including Adele's website ( This was a collection of images with and a biography. This could be improved with a navigation bar to different sections including a gallery, tickets, dates, about the artist ect. 

I feel that I would struggle to create something original as there is no gap in the market. I would also struggle to emotionally engage the whole range of 16-25. As a result of this, I would rather choose brief 3 as there are more ideas and ways to engage the audience. 

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Intertextuality in Stranger Things

The Duffer bros created a masterpiece with Stranger Things, described by some as a "nostalgia bath." The show draws on the work of Steven Spielberg, John Carpenter and Stephen King and many other notable works from the 80's. 

Carrie & Firestarter:-

Eleven from Stranger Things is a blend from two Stephen King stories about girls with telekinetic powers. Carrie and Eleven share a sheltered upbringing but are still widely knowledgable. They are also both product of needy parents, Carrie with her religious zealot and Eleven with the experimental scientist that doesn't allow socialisation with other children. Also, both characters are sweet natured but are capable of severe violence  when provoked. The classic looking out can be seen in the first photo which is when the characters have been provoked and this is before the violent outburst. The second picture shows how the duffer bros payed homage to Firestarter with the creation of the character Eleven but also with this near identical scene. 

Close Encounters of the Third Kind:-
The duffer bros chose to include a parent with an obsession with the supernatural. Much like in Close Encounters when one of the characters terrorises his family into an alien premonition. Similarly, in Stranger things, when Joyce finds out that her son is missing, she gets flashing lights and paints Ouija letters in the wall trying to reach him. Also, the shot on the right closely mirrors the original shot from close encounters. This pays homage massively as this shot was used to advertise the release of season 2. 

Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back:-
The film was released three years before Stranger Things was set. Therefore it can be assumed the boys went to see it. This can be seen with the implicit intertextuality of Mikes Yoda toy which he shows to Eleven. More explicit references can be seen in both films when they use the arm out gesture to make something move. And Mike refers to Elevens powers as "like a Jedi." 

One of the most notable references is to Spielbergs ET. A story in a small town with boys rushing around on bikes and they find a strange creature. The first shots are when they are both found. Many similarities can be drawn including the pathetic fallacy of it being night time and its raining and the bright torchlight finding them. In both films they hide the character without the parents finding out. The second photo shows how they dress them both up as girls to try and hide them. In addition to this, in ET when they are trying to escape being caught, ET uses their powers to make the bikes fly. Similarly, in Stranger Things when the boys are escaping, Eleven uses their power to levitate a van and throw it out of the way. 

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Fandom in Forbrydelsen and Stranger Things


One massive aspect of fandom in Forbrydelsen was with Sarah Lunds jumpers. The character played by Sophie Grabol had a set of distinctive jumpers. These were made by the danish brand Gudrun & Gudrun who still promote these on their website as "the one jumper everyone is talking about." These sold out very quickly after the show was first aired. Many fans began to knit their own Sarah Lund jumpers. In addition to this, some took the style of her jumpers to knit other things, including this knitted teddy. 

Another example of fandom in Forbrydelsen was the actress Sophie Grabol who played the lead roll Sarah Lund. Because the show challenged conventions by having a female detective, Grabol received a lot of media attention. When it was shown on BBC4 in the UK, the show received a BAFTA which saw her popularity sky rocket.

Stranger Things:

The fact that each season of Stranger Things was released at once on Netflix promoted binge watching. In turn this induced mass fandom. After watching the whole series the fans wanted more material to watch which can be seen on Netflix's YouTube channel with blooper reels. This cleverly makes the fans feel closer to the cast. 

Another aspect of fandom with Stranger things comes from the merchandise. There are hundreds of designs of t-shirts and hoodies and so many other items like mugs and even novelty items available. The demand for this shows how big the fan base of this show is. Owning a piece of merchandise makes you feel a bigger part of the show but it also shows other people you are a fan.

 This turns the audience into prosumers as they become involved with the show. Another way fans discuss the show is through online forums including multiple fan pages on facebook that have over 10,000 members. 

According to Jenkins, fandom can be focused on a celebrity. This is true for Stranger Things as all of the actors have become celebrities. Most notably Millie Bobby Brown who plays 11. She was virtually unknown before and now has over 43 million followers on Instagram. She has also become a producer as well as an actress on different projects as well. 

Prototype and Intentions - Website

This is the link to my website LINK PAGE